scroll on if you need help
Importing data in to spreadsheets to perform analysis, copying and pasting formulas, and trying to see how to filter information to get the best results?
Are you producing quotations but first have to do some budgeting and pricing calculations?
Are you doing things in a spreadsheet and then trying to pass figures accurately to other documents?
Are other people in your organisation using the same workbooks but with different results?
protected, user-friendly workbooks
files full of errors
beautiful, branded visuals
generic, bland, numbers in squares
structured, named, easy to read formulas
broken, copied & pasted formulas
clean, documented applications
confusing and intimidating interfaces
I’ll then go away and work on what you’ve told me. You’ll receive a detailed document containing a summary of every part of the application including descriptions of functionality and features along with mockups of the branded designs and reports. I’ll be able to tell you the timeframe to complete the work and provide you with a full cost breakdown.
We’ll have an online meeting where I gain a full understanding of what your application has to do. We’ll discuss all your ideas, the inputs needed and we’ll list the purpose of each sheet, table or form to be designed. We’ll discover what items (or fields) make up your datasets. We’ll then discuss the outputs or reports you’d like to create and what you’d like to see on them.
I just need to get on and build it!
The scope will keep our project on track and focused as the creative work will have already been done,
mike legassick, behavioural investment coach
custom spreadsheet
tom winyard, tm costings ltd
custom calculator
dave collins, software promotions
bespoke vba application